
4 events: Milan, Monfalcone, Potenza, Ragusa

Milan, Italy: report by Gian Franco Ceccato

On 17 May, we held an SOPP gathering at the Gallaratese Library in Milan. The event was attended by a group of 13 people. All together and from our hearts, we created a mandala of flags, around which we distributed words of light and some crystals. We created a circle around the mandala and had a moment of silent meditation, before sharing prayers, songs and dances from different cultures and religious traditions. At the end, we read and shared the Fuji Declaration.

On the same day, we held an exhibition of images by the artist Teri Volini showing the movements of a wordless prayer that expresses one’s inner divinity. This was on display along with the exhibition of mandalas that has been in the library since the 9th of May.

We ended the day with a sense of gratitude and peace and infinite hope for the future of humanity.


Monfalcone, Italy: report by Jasmine Garimberti

A group of seven friends gathered together in Monfalcone, in the northeast of Italy, to celebrate the Symphony of Peace Prayers. We celebrated at the top of the city, where there is an ancient fort, now transformed into a museum. We recited parts of the Fuji Declaration together, and then continued with a wonderful peace ceremony.

We felt a deep sense of gratitude for the planet Earth, and seeing all the colorful flags helped us to remember that we are part of something bigger than our country—we are all citizens of the world and of the entire universe.

We ended the ceremony with some songs and mantras, and with a ‘creative laboratory’ where participants expressed their prayers and deep wishes for Mother Earth. I truly believe that a new planet filled with love, happiness and harmony is possible and is waiting for us to realize it.

A short video of our event can be viewed online at:


Potenza, Italy: report by Vito Palladino

On May 17th, our group joined the Symphony of Peace Prayers in Potenza, with prayers for peace in each nation. Each of us offered our prayers with a deep feeling of our connection with the large field of peaceful and loving energy that was emanating from Fuji Sanctuary and the world. Infinite gratitude for this opportunity to join in this field of peace for humanity, for the planet and all its life.


Ragusa, Italy: report by Sasha and Renato

At the Maunacenter in Ragusa, we had a day of vibrant energy and peace. We printed the Fuji Declaration and read it aloud, calling for peace in the world. Each of us prayed in front of the peace pole, with the feeling that we were a divine spark extending out to the world. Under the sun, we felt the love and light that unites us as brothers and sisters. What remains in our existence, if we don’t love and feel loved? Then, together, we concluded with our shared prayer: Now is peace, now is Oneness, now is light, now is love… Let my life and the earth be in harmony.

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