
Buenos Aires, Argentina
report by Elena Becú and Andrea Solana

Our SOPP gathering on May 20th was divided in to five parts. We began with welcoming the participants and a group dance. We used the dancing to let go of stress, and to create a joyful feeling and a sense of oneness.

At noon, we had a light lunch, where participants were able to chat and reunite after more than two years of not being able to meet in person. After this, we did energy work on three topics: (1) things I gave up doing during the pandemic, and which I don’t want to do again; (2) things which I took up during the pandemic and which I want to keep doing; and (3) creating images for my future, a joyous future, full of light and possibilities.

We then worked in small groups on creating images of a new future for humanity, using each point of the Fuji Declaration. This was followed by a flag ceremony to pray for peace in each country, and then our farewell at about 4pm.

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