Prayers for Peace the World Over
Rika Saionji thanked Mr. Agrawal for his video message, and then introduced the second core program of the SOPP:
Now, as we proceed to the second half, we will express our sincere prayers, sending them out to both our inner and outer worlds. First, we will offer a prayer of Gratitude for All Life on Earth, followed by prayers for peace in each country. This time, we will say the country’s name in English, and then we will say the word ‘peace’ in that country’s language(s). As you pray, please feel the love that wells up within you, and at the same time, feel the love that always surrounds and sustains our lives.
Accompanied by gentle music and uplifting scenes of the natural world, the prayers of Gratitude for All Life on Earth were displayed on screen and spoken in both Japanese and English.
Gratitude for All Life on Earth
(prayed by all participants together)
Thank you, dear Oceans.
Thank you, dear Mountains.
Thank you, dear Earth.
Thank you, dear Animals.
Thank you, dear Plants.
Thank you, dear Minerals.
Thank you, dear Water.
Thank you, dear Air.
Thank you, dear Heavenly Phenomena.
Thank you, dear Sun.
Thank you, dear Planet Earth.
Prayers for Peace in Each Country
Over images of the blue planet Earth spinning in space, the subtitles read: “Each of us living on the earth is also a part of great life. Let’s bring love and healing to people all over the world,” inviting participants to join in the Prayers for Peace in Each Country.
The prayers, arranged by continent, began with a series of striking images from the continent of Asia, and then one by one, the name and flag of each country in Asia was presented on screen, along with the word for ‘peace’ in that country’s national language(s). Japanese and English pronunciations were included. The name of the country was spoken in English, and the word ‘peace’ was spoken in the language shown on screen. Photos from past SOPP ceremonies held in various parts of the world accompanied the presentation of each national flag as participants prayed for ‘peace’ in that country. When the flags of all Asian nations had been presented, a prayer for all of Asia was offered: May peace be in Asia.
The ceremony continued with images from Africa, followed by prayers for peace in the nations of that continent. The same was done for Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania, followed by a prayer for peace in “all the other regions of the world” (accompanied by an image of the planet Earth in space). A final prayer, May peace prevail on Earth, was displayed on screen and spoken aloud three times as the video showed a sweeping view of the prayer field at Fuji Sanctuary, with Mount Fuji rising majestically beyond it. The view of the prayer field and Mount Fuji continued for a few moments longer, allowing participants a chance to feel their connection with the divine essence of people all around the world.
The next video presented a prayerful practice known as the Divine Spark IN.
First introduced to the public in 2018, the Divine Spark IN (pronounced ‘een’) is like a wordless prayer, comprised of a precise combination of hand and arm movements and deep, peaceful breathing, which helps us to attune ourselves to the sacred being that resides within us. It is easy to learn and practice, enabling us to recall and reconnect with our inner divine nature and contribute to building a peaceful world.
The IN was introduced with scenes of people performing it in various locations around the world, accompanied by the following words:
We are divinity itself, love itself.
All living things are full of love.
Each person remembers that all human beings are originally divine.
Let’s perform the Divine Spark IN together.
The demonstration of the IN (performed outdoors at Fuji Sanctuary by Yuka, Maki, and Rika Saionji) included subtitles showing the thought, or meaning, that accompanies each movement:
Inhale: our whole being concentrates
Exhale: the mind becomes empty
We invite divinity from heaven
Our true existence radiates light
We receive divinity from heaven
This divinity is within us
The divine masculine and feminine are unified
Our true self emits divinity to humanity
The light spreads to each human being
The divinity in everyone resonates from within
Everyone remembers the divine self
Humanity is divine
Following the IN, a bit of quiet time for reflection was offered, to feel the resonance of all the prayers sent out on that day. The message below appeared on screen, followed by the sound of a bell:
The resonance of our prayers today becomes a symphony of peace prayers, embracing all nations and all living things with the energy of love and healing, and connecting them with divine consciousness. This prayer continues to circulate, and returns to us.