Special Messages of Peace

Maki Saionji thanked Hiroo Saionji for his message, and then introduced messages from two guest speakers: Ms. Sande Hart, Author of The Liminal Odyssey and Founder of the Global Women’s Village, and Mr. Gary Zukav, Co-founder of the Seat of the Soul Institute. Following their messages was a written message from Dr. Barbara Fields, Co-founder and Director of the Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence.

Sande Hart, Founder, Global Women’s Village

Hi, my name is Sandy Hart, and it is an honor to be here, because this is such an auspicious, amazing time to be alive on this planet—at this time and with you all. Our world is in a really interesting space, where we’re at the confluence of the rise of consciousness and the rise of tensions. Systems are falling apart, yet spirituality and awareness and ‘woke’ is rising all around us.

So, how do we respond to that? I believe it means that we ignite our divine spark. We find that power. But I don’t think we have to look too far for that power. I know that that power is alive in every one of us, right now. All we must do is remove all those things that no longer serve us, and become aware of those things so that we can reveal and disclose our soul’s purpose. Where our passions meet the needs in the world, what makes us come alive—that ignites our divine spark, that makes it real for us in our day.

And it’s as easy as some basic skills. I practice, I create new neural pathways in my mind and habits in my life to constantly remember these things throughout my day, so that I can be in service to my soul’s purpose. Because I believe that the divine spark shines a light on our soul. And I believe that our life—it’s happening right now—is to free our soul, so that we can live into that divine spark’s promise, and we can create the world that works for everyone.

And those practices that I mentioned are as easy as slowing down in our day to the speed of awe and wonder of everything that’s around us—between crisis and choice, between breaths, between thoughts, between our thoughts and what we say.

How do we keep our words impeccable? We slow down to make sure that we are in our integrity, and that we are truly speaking our truth. Because we do create with our words.

And when we do slow down and are in that liminal space, we have choice. And that choice will lead us to impeccable words. It’ll lead us, through practice, to reverent listening. And then we’ll start noticing synchronicities, and those synchronicities are signs. They’re messages. They’re invitations to pay attention to what’s going on around us.

The more we practice these skills of reverent listening, slowing down, and noticing synchronicities, the more we’re paying honor to our divine spark, to our soul’s purpose—again, because that is what our soul’s desire is. That divine spark will set our soul free. And that’s what humanity needs right now. Imagine being in a world where everyone walking around is simply being their authentic, true, integrity-filled self. I believe that’s our privilege, and I believe that’s our responsibility—to create a world where we all live into our divine spark.

Gary Zukav, Co-founder, Seat of the Soul Institute

Hello, I’m Gary Zukav, and I’m so honored to be here, to celebrate the divine spark. We are the divine spark, and we know that. So the question is, how can we be aware of it all of the time? How can we use it in our lives? How can we apply our understanding that we are much more than bodies and minds—that we are divine sparks? What does that mean, and what does it feel like to experience it?

In my experience, we are in the midst of the greatest transformation of human consciousness that has ever happened. It’s unprecedented and it’s epic. We are transforming from a species that was limited to the five senses to one that is not. And a new meaning of power has come into our awareness. The old power was the ability to manipulate and control, and the new meaning of power is alignment of the personality with the soul.

We can now experience beyond the five senses. We know that we are more than minds and bodies—that’s the divine spark that we’re talking about. The new consciousness is emerging in thousands of millions of us. And that means there is more receptivity to the experience that we are divine sparks.

What are some of the experiences of the divine spark? You long for harmony and cooperation and sharing and reverence for life. These are important to you, because these are the intentions of—call it your soul, call it your divine spark. Without these, life is not worth living. Without these, life is controlled by fear.

And so, to experience your divine spark all the time, it’s necessary to experience what prevents you from doing that. And those are the fears. Fears that you experience as anger, judgment, resentment, superiority, or inferiority. And whenever you do experience them, [it’s necessary] to decide not to act on them, but to put your attention on the most loving part of your personality that you can. These are the parts that you experience as gratitude and appreciation and patience and contentment, and all of the universe.

As you do that, you allow your consciousness to begin to expand. You can’t make it expand. Can you will a flower to bloom? No. And you can’t do that to yourself, either. But you can open yourself to receiving. And as you receive, your consciousness will begin to expand in its own way, and you’ll begin to see that the old understanding of power, the ability to manipulate and to control, doesn’t feel good anymore. That’s because it’s not serving our evolution anymore, and now produces only violence and destruction.

And so, as you acquire the new consciousness, you begin to see the world around you as collapsing. It is collapsing, it’s disintegrating. But this is not the end. It’s the beginning. All of our social structures are disintegrating because they’re built on the old, obsolete understanding of power as manipulation and control, and new social structures are beginning to emerge, like grass growing through the concrete and the sidewalk.

And these new social structures—whether it’s governance, business, healthcare, art—these new social structures are based on the new understanding of power, the alignment of you, your personality, with the immortal aspect of who you are—with your soul, with harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life.

And you begin to feel as though you are experiencing your world differently. Let me give you an example. Consider that you are your perceptions. They’re not happening to you; you’re not experiencing them. You are your perceptions. That’s the beginning of a hugely expanded consciousness, one that allows the divine spark to become a more aware and conscious part of you. It’s always aware and conscious, but you are not always aware and conscious of it.

And that is what we are striving for. That is what is happening now.

Barbara Fields, Co-founder and Director, Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence

To put it simply, the power needed for us to live a sacred life is the divine spark itself. The divine spark already resides within us. That is the reality. However, when we lose connection with the divine spark, we come to believe that our own choices, actions, and mistakes are creating our reality. This understanding is only a part of true ‘co-creation.’

Our physical and psychological abilities, such as our will, ideas, and skills, are certainly human capabilities necessary for sustaining society. Yet we often rely too heavily on these abilities, forgetting the power that underlies our true inner power. It is a power that encompasses and transcends the individual.

The question now is whether we can tap into this greater power by rediscovering and redeveloping our human abilities and connecting directly with the divine spark for co-creation. I believe this is the only way for humanity to overcome various crises and survive, and ultimately to live and manifest our true selves.

Trusting the innate intuitions and instincts we are born with serves as a bridge from relying solely on cognitive abilities to activating divine spark consciousness. My practice is to quietly and honestly face my ‘true self.’ There, I find mindfulness, gratitude, and a spirit of surrender. In doing so, my mind becomes purified, and all my human abilities are infused into the realm of divine spark consciousness.

This interplay between human and divine manifests only when it serves the common good. So, I am always exploring ‘God’s needs,’ understanding ‘God’s process,’ and preparing to move in alignment with ‘God’s action,’ without fear or falsehood. It is difficult to articulate in words the precision and resolve required, but the continuous practice of moment-to-moment attunement to that integrity, undistracted by the noise of the world, is essential. We must always remain awake!

I am not suggesting that we surrender our power to some extraordinary belief. What is important is to take responsibility as an agent of evolution, to redefine our thinking, to become self-reliant, and to open our eyes, hearts, and entire being to embrace even the unknown and unknowable.

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