Paris, France

report by Nicole Cressiot

We celebrated the SOPP in France in an online ceremony on May 15th. Our program focused on prayers for world peace, as well as on the unity in diversity of spiritual faiths and prayers, given to us throughout humanity’s history, and which the SOPP gives us an opportunity to honor.

We began with a moment of silence, consciously connecting to all the fields of prayer resonating on earth and encircling the planet with their light. After that, each one of us chose a religious or spiritual prayer to recite or perform. These included the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, and a spiritual song of the Aborigine.

We continued with a flag ceremony to pray for peace in each country, speaking the word ‘peace’ in each country’s language(s). After praying for all the countries of one continent, we formed the Divine Spark IN for that continent.

We closed with prayers of gratitude to nature (after reading a poem from Masami Sensei), and a reading of the final section of the Fuji Declaration—the foundation for building a society guided by the awakening of the divine spark in each and every being, along with Masahisa Goi’s poem Praise for Life.

Although we were not a large group, our prayers were profound, focused and filled with love for humanity.

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