Donate to the SOPP
Your energy and participation are the most important contributions you can make to the Symphony of Peace Prayers. At the same time, we are also infinitely grateful for any donation of funds to help us promote this movement and keep it going from year to year. Your donations help to pay for this website, promotional publications, material supplies such as national flags, and outreach work to connect the SOPP with other like-minded individuals and organizations.
PLEASE NOTE: Your donation to the SOPP is made through host organization Byakko Shinko Kai. The “Donate” button below links to the donation page on Byakko Shinko Kai’s website. From there, you can click to access the donation form. Please select “International activities” on the donation form to make sure that your donation goes to support the SOPP.
Donations are in Japanese yen, and can be made with any Visa, MasterCard, or JCB credit card.