Register your event
Thank you for participating in the Symphony of Peace Prayers!
We are thrilled to be sharing this celebration with so many peace-minded people around the world!
Please fill out the form below to register your ceremony or gathering. You can choose whether or not to add your event to the SOPP world map. If you wish, you can provide contact information so that people interested in joining your event can contact you.
If would like more information about hosting a local SOPP ceremony or peace gathering, please see the Resources page.
After your event, we hope you will send us photos and a brief report, so that we can include it in our photo gallery and any commemorative materials that we may publish. We may also contact you after the Symphony of Peace Prayers to find out more about your event. Of course, we will not display or publish anything that you do not wish to share with others.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.