Photo Galleries 2015
Fuji Sanctuary, Japan
The 11th annual SOPP ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary was the venue for the official inauguration of the Fuji Declaration. In the early morning, a pre-dawn ceremony was held to celebrate the launch of the declaration in connection with an event at Kronborg Castle in Denmark. Later, 10,000 participants and over 100 guests filled the Prayer Field for the main SOPP ceremony, which included prayers from nine faith traditions, several musical performances, and a special Tea Ceremony for World Peace. Participants prayed for peace in each country and region on earth, as the flags were presented on stage, and expressed gratitude to all life on earth. A large group of founding signatories to the Fuji Declaration joined in the inauguration ceremony, and the ceremony closed with a rousing finale song, “We Are All Shining Divine Sparks.”
Video: http://bit.ly/SOPP2015
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