Musical Inspiration
Following these words, Maki Saionji introduced a musical video presentation by Mr. James Twyman. As a musical guest at the 2016 Symphony of Peace Prayers, Mr. Twyman performed his original song “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” In this video, he performed another song based on the prayer Ware Soku Kami Nari (I am a divine life). The presentation began with a short address.
Mr. James Twyman, musician and peace activist
I want to say how deeply influential both the prayer ‘May peace prevail on Earth’ and ‘Ware Soku Kami Nari’ have been in my life. I’ve shared these prayers all around the world, especially ‘Ware Soku Kami Nari’—I am a divine being. At this time in history, I think this is one of the most important messages that we can hear, that we can share, and that we can live.
Ware Soku Kami Nari
The words I speak are the words of God
The thoughts I emit are God’s thoughts
The actions I take are God’s actions
I am a divine being
I am a divine being
Ware Soku Kami Nari
Ware Soku Kami Nari
I am a divine being
I am a divine being
The words, thoughts, and actions of God
Are abundantly overflowing
With infinite love and wisdom
Infinite health and supply
With infinite joy and infinite light
Infinite power and success
They are nothing more
They are nothing less, nothing less
Ware Soku Kami Nari
Ware Soku Kami Nari
Ware Soku Kami Nari
I am a divine being
I am a divine being