SOPP 2013 celebrated worldwide – infinite gratitude to all!


2013 Symphony of Peace Prayers in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Congratulations and thank you to everyone around the world who joined in celebrating the 2013 Symphony of Peace Prayers!

Thanks to your wonderful creative energy, SOPP ceremonies and prayer gatherings took place in over 60 countries on every continent—from Argentina to Australia, Poland to the Philippines!

Thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds celebrated peace among humanity and harmony among faiths, joining together in prayers, songs, dances, meditations, and more, celebrating our diversity of cultures and sharing a beautiful feeling oneness, with love for each other and for the planet.

Below are a few excerpts from the many wonderful reports we are receiving from around the world. If you organized an SOPP event this year and have not yet sent us photos or a report, we hope you will do so very soon! If you are not sure how to get in touch, you can always contact us through this website!

2013-Sandpoint“We felt connected to each other, our community, and the greater community at Mt. Fuji and throughout the world.” – Sandpoint, Idaho, United States

2013-Amsterdam“World peace is a big goal, but I believe that it all starts from the individual. The peaceful face of each participant is the beginning of world peace. The SOPP gives us an opportunity to bring those peaceful faces together.” – Amsterdam, Holland

2013-Geelong“As always happens after the moving ceremony, I felt a glow of warmth and a calmness that being involved in such a beautiful afternoon gives people. Hearing the prayers of other faiths and then seeing the flags from around the globe confirmed for me that we all share the same mantra.” – Geelong, Australia

2013-Ragusa“In Ragusa, Italy, we were united in prayer and meditation. Our hearts felt the need to express a strong voice of hope, harmony and well-being. Together we said: ‘Even if the world seems to fall apart, even if the economies and wars, bring poverty and death, even if our mind is influenced by the negative … Know we, that this is only one part of what happens … Know we, that millions of brothers and sisters, believe and build a world of peace … Know we, that the vibrations of peace, prosperity, harmony, love, freedom, are vibrations following us, since when we were kids … They are the most beautiful part of our lives and our dignity … These vibrations are the sense and the pleasure of life … These voices and feelings, are the most intimate part of our freedom, our hearts, and the heart of all humanity … No one can stop this inner song which is our life…’” – Ragusa, Italy

May Peace Prevail on Earth!