For the 15th consecutive year, peace-loving people around the world will join hands and hearts, lending their voices to prayers for peace and harmony throughout the world.
The 2019 Symphony of Peace Prayers will be held at Fuji Sanctuary on May 19, and once again we hope to see many local SOPP events taking place in all parts of the world—everything from large ceremonies to small prayer gatherings at home.
How can you take part?
No matter where you are in the world, you can be part of this global event and join thousands of others in sending out prayers for global peace and harmony! There are various ways to be part of the SOPP:
1. Join us in the outdoor Prayer Field at Fuji Sanctuary in Japan on May 19! The SOPP is free and open to all. For more information, please contact us.
2. Tune in to the live internet broadcast from Fuji Sanctuary, starting at 10 am Japan time. The event will be broadcast on our English Ustream channel.
3. Organize an SOPP ceremony in your area, with local religious and spiritual leaders — the larger the better! (See our resources for hosting an event.)
4. Use a local community centre, church, or public park to gather with friends, colleagues, and/or community members to pray for world peace and honor the world’s faith traditions.
5. Invite friends and family to your home and hold a simple peace prayer ceremony.
6. Take part in the SOPP on your own, linking your prayers with thousands of others around the world. You can even join in the ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary through our live internet broadcast. Everyone’s prayers are needed!
If you are planning to participate in any of these ways, we want to know about it! Please REGISTER on the SOPP website and add your event to our world map!
The possibilities for holding a ceremony or gathering are truly infinite! Music, dance, visual arts, meditation, walks in nature, candlelight prayers, poetry, silence—anything you can imagine! Try incorporating the Fuji Declaration or the Soul of WoMen movement, which seek to uncover the divine spark in every human being and bring balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine. And of course, we encourage you to join in offering prayers for peace in each country and prayers from different faiths and traditions. For more info and ideas, please visit our resources page.
Together, let us celebrate the energy of love that unites us, and the divine spark that resides at the core of our being. We look forward to receiving your registrations, and to co-creating a new world through the SOPP!
May Peace Prevail on Earth.