
Two locations: Gdynia , Jelenia Góra

Gdynia: report by Danuta Stopieńska

About a hundred people took part in our SOPP ceremony in Gdynia. I opened the ceremony by talking about the Symphony of Peace Prayers and the ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary.

Then, the Earth Flag was brought out, and many people were deeply moved by its appearance. We performed prayers around the mandalas made of the national flags. Magda Miętki sang the beautiful Christian song, “Ave Maria,” and then a group of people from various Polish cities performed PanEuRytmia, a dance created by Peter Dynow from Bulgaria. This is a dance of joy, which opens up the power of the spirit.

Afterwards, together with Anna Agier, we sang spiritual songs from the Hindu, Jewish and Christian traditions. We also said a prayer from St. Francis of Assisi—Lord, make us instruments of your peace—which was led by Danjah Ujazdowska.

Pawet Gutral guided us in a Kundalini yoga meditation, which involved both movement and the words: I am the light of the soul, I am full of abundance, I am beauty, I am a blessing. I am, I am.

The highlight of the program was the flag ceremony—the prayers with messages of peace sent to each country and to all regions of the world. Finally, I led everyone in a joint meditation. The Earth Flag was placed in the centre and everyone formed concentric circles around it (as in a mandala). We sent love, light and harmony from the heart chakra to all people on our beautiful planet, wishing for peace on Earth.


Jelenia Góra: report by Jacek Kozłowski

In Jelenia Gora, a group of Byakko members held a small prayer gathering, linking with the SOPP ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary.

We prayed for peace and performed prayers without words with deep breathing. We also did a meditation together and created a peace mandala.

Our connection with Fuji Sanctuary and the thousands of people who participated in this prayer link around the world gave us a strong feeling of universal love and infinite joy and peace. May peace prevail on Earth!

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