Paris, France
report by Nicole Cressiot
Because the Covid-19 situation was still severe in France and gatherings were not recommended, we decided that this year we would once again celebrate the SOPP with an online prayer gathering, which we held on Friday, May 14th, a couple of days before the SOPP at Fuji Sanctuary. Nine of us gathered online.
We offered a program based on the spirit of the SOPP, calling for peace and harmony among religions, and united as one through the universal prayer for peace for every country on earth. We chose to pray the word peace in each nation’s language(s), while holding the flags on screen. It worked well.
We read Masami Saionji’s SOPP message, which inspired us throughout the program, and we read the Fuji Declaration as well. One participant offered a Christian prayer, the Prayer of St. Francis. We also intoned the sound Om together seven times, which was wonderful and interesting to experience online. We then offered prayers of Gratitude to Nature. A couple of people in the group didn’t know the IN of Gratitude to Nature, but they learned it quickly and said they loved it. Masami Saionji’s words guided our intent and consciousness as we closed the program with the Divine Spark IN for Israel and Palestine, and for all humanity.
United in these prayers of love, of harmony and for the peace of each and every country and people on earth, we felt that our collective prayers sent out beautiful waves of healing and divine awakening to the whole world.