
Two events: Jelenia Góra, Węsiory

Jelenia Góra: report by Ewa Zlotkowska

On May 20, a small group of people met in Jelenia Góra to link their prayers with the SOPP at Fuji Sanctuary. We offered peace prayers and held a peace meditation together. We also performed wordless prayers along with deep breathing. After that, we continued with mandala writing activities. We sent out the energy of peace and harmony to all humanity, to nature and the planet Earth.


Węsiory: report by Danuta Stopieńska

About 60 people participated in our ceremony in the village of Węsiory, near the city of Gdańsk. I opened the ceremony with some information about the SOPP. After that, we made a large mandala with small flags for each country, and performed a wordless prayer. Next, we read the peace prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, and some citations and quotes about peace from various spiritual traditions.

Pawel Gutral led a meditation from spiritual philosopher Eckart Tolle, for bringing inner peace and quiet. We then did a meditation in the Kundalini yoga tradition, and after that we held a ceremony of prayer for peace in each country, with national flags and prayers in different languages. We closed this part of the ceremony with a meditation around the Earth flag and large mandala.

Following the main part of the ceremony, we visited the stone circles of Węsiory, a site known for its great power and energy. There we performed more prayers and held a silent meditation.

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