United Kingdom

Two events: Lincolnshire, London

Lincolnshire: report by Gena Chapman

We met at the beautiful home of Peter and Jill Hilton, at The Quiet Garden in the Pines to celebrate the Symphony of Peace Prayers. The event started with a beautiful prayer recited by Jill Hilton, who is an interfaith minister. Gena Chapman informed the group of how the Symphony of Peace Prayers started and what it means. Jil Greenewood led the group into a beautiful meditation. This was followed by a flag ceremony, and then Jane Wise led singing and dancing to lift the vibration and bring joy into our hearts. It was an uplifting event to celebrate peace and create a symphony of peace and love by unifying our hearts and voices, sending peace to all beings.


London: report by Kyoko Street-Yasuda

Although we did not organize any gathering in London this year, I wanted to continue the tradition of celebrating the SOPP in London. I live above a local church hall, so I held my own private ceremony in the church starting at about 5 am local time, while the ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary was still going on. Generally no one is using the church at that hour, but at 5:30 the priest came in, so I introduced myself and explained what I was doing. He invited me to continue, and he also offered some words of prayer. Since I had not obtained permission beforehand, I was truly grateful to have his consent.

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