
Kamnik, Slovenia
report by Lorraine Watts

This year I had the support of the recently formed ‘Awakening Soul Group’ members to help organise the SOPP in Slovenia, which took place on the 31st of March. One member, Polona, suggested that we take a trip to a special cave at Spodmol in the Karst region of Slovenia. This ancient cave was used over many centuries for prayer and rituals. The large stalagmite in the cave has been felt to emanate a strong maternal female healing energy.

Nine people took part in the ceremony. Before entering the cave, we gave thanks to the area using a wordless prayer of gratitude to nature. We gave thanks for the nature devas of the cave and the surrounding area, and to our guardian spirits and divinities. We asked them to help guide us, and spent some moments relaxing in the silence and allowing our senses to connect with the beauty of the place. Slowly, we all made our way down to the cave and joined hands, creating a circle around the large stalagmite. Polona led us through a beautiful grounding meditation and again, we gave thanks for the beautiful energy of the earth and asked for this powerful force to join us in spreading a beautiful healing vibration to all the peoples and countries on earth, so that we can live in peace and harmony with each other and in nature without causing harm.

We made our way back to a flat area just above the cave and settled ourselves to conduct a flag ceremony using small, laminated peace prayer cards. We had a beautiful ceremony praying for all the countries of the world. We also offered prayers for those we knew were in need of some positive energy. We finished the ceremony singing the western adaptation of the Native American song “Fly Like an Eagle.” Before leaving the area, we again gave thanks. It was a truly wonderful experience.

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