
10 events: Colegiales, La Reja, Los Polvorines, Moreno, Neuquén, Pablo Nogués, Rosario del Tala, San Isidro, San Justo, and San Miguel


Colegiales, Argentina: report by Alejandra Percivale

At our gathering in Colegiales on May 29, some 30 people joined in sharing peace prayers from different faiths and traditions, and in praying for peace in each country of the world. We formed a mandala of flags at the center of our space, which we covered with little paper hearts that had messages written on them. We joined hands, and I could feel a great sense of unity and harmony in our hearts.


La Reja, Argentina: report by Alejandro Roger

On May 15, 20 participants joined our SOPP gathering in La Reja, outside Buenos Aires, offering heartfelt prayers for peace in each country as we carried the national flags through the space.

I believe that the call of the Fuji Declaration is a call from the depths of our humanity. It represents real action for unity in diversity, and the creation of the first universal human nation. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to celebrate the SOPP and the Fuji Declaration.


Los Polvorines, Argentina: report by Matilde Pruzzo

Our yoga group in Los Polvorines hosted an SOPP gathering on May 15, with about 30 people attending, including some children. As we organized and prepared for the event, I was able to feel various emotions growing within the group—feminine strength, power, joy, love, determination, and infinite gratitude.

During the gathering, we offered prayers from different faiths and traditions, and we introduced the Soul of WoMen campaign, handing out sheets of paper for participants to write expressions of the divine feminine. We held a flag ceremony to pray for peace in each country and region on earth, with all participants joining in carrying the national flags.


Moreno, Argentina: report by Gloria Hirigoyen and Romina Pinto

On June 4, our gathering of nine people shared a wonderful and loving vibration of peace for our planet Earth. I felt lots of love, commitment, and unity from the group, with a strong feeling of joy.

We offered prayers for peace from various faiths, and held a group meditation. We talked about the Soul of WoMen campaign and wrote our own expressions of the divine feminine. We ended with a flag ceremony, praying for peace in each country and throughout the world. It was a wonderful experience!


Neuquén, Argentina: report by Patricia Mennutto

Our first SOPP ceremony in Neuquén was a wonderful gathering, with some 65 people attending. We held the event on May 14, in a local gymnasium. Prayer leaders from various religions led participants in prayers for peace from their respective faiths. It was amazing to see a priest, a rabbi, and a Muslim representative all asking for peace together, quite at ease with each other. Now they are already talking about next year’s gathering!

We introduced the Soul of WoMen Global Campaign, and participants were given sheets of paper on which to write words that embody the divine feminine. We created a mandala with the yin and yang symbol in it, and we prayed for peace in every country and region. Our flag cards looked beautiful placed together in a large square, with flowers at the center.

I felt that everyone who attended felt unity and strength. A light has been lit in Neuquén!


Pablo Nogués, Argentina: report by Zulema del Valle

12 women gathered to join in planting a peace pole at my home in Pablo Nogués, near Buenos Aires. We elevated our consciousness with positive thoughts, and generated a beautiful energy. It was a lovely time together. An inherent peace resides within us. We don’t need to look for it outside—it is inside us. Thank you for such a wonderful experience!


Rosario del Tala, Argentina: report by Matilde Pruzzo

On the afternoon of May 26, six women gathered in Rosario del Tala, in the province of Entre Ríos. I introduced the Soul of WoMen campaign, and then each of us recited a prayer for peace. We finished with the prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth, which was something that came spontaneously! It was beautiful when the sun shone on us. A soft breeze caressed our faces as we sang our prayer for world peace. Everything flowed smoothly, without any preparation. We felt united with the feminine and masculine energies—a sense of true, deep peace!


San Isidro, Argentina: report by Mare Cazau

We held our SOPP gathering in San Isidro on May 7, with nine women participating. We offered prayers from various faiths and traditions, and prayed for peace throughout the world in a flag ceremony. We talked about the Soul of WoMen campaign, and participants were invited to write their own expressions of the divine feminine.

I felt the precious and gratifying energy of our prayers resonating with one voice, and I felt like I was waking up to a new earth at peace. Our divine sparks merged into one, and at the same time we were connected with everybody, everywhere—breathing, meditating, praying, dancing, and singing. I felt strong emotions when manifesting our divine feminine qualities, full of light, power, creativity, and beauty. It was a vibrant gathering of love and harmony.


San Justo, Argentina: report by Adriana Lukac

About 80 people joined our SOPP ceremony in San Justo on May 15. It was an event full of energy and enthusiasm, commitment and joy, filled with vibrations of peace, beauty, simplicity and harmony. Everything went smoothly and effortlessly.

After welcoming remarks and an introduction to the SOPP and the Soul of WoMen campaign, participants joined in offering peace prayers from many different faiths and spiritual traditions. We held a grand flag ceremony, in which participants carried large flags and we all prayed together for peace in each country and region. At the end, the Earth flag was carried around the space, as we all prayed for peace to prevail on earth.

We closed the ceremony holding hands in two large circles, singing and dancing together. It was a wonderful experience that I felt in each of my cells, resonating with light, love, and infinite gratitude! Thank you to all who participated in this co-creation of peace. This energy and vibration has been engraved in our beings and in the planet forever!


San Miguel, Argentina: report by Andrea Solana

We had a wonderful SOPP ceremony in Muñiz, San Miguel, near Buenos Aires, on May 14. Our gathering was filled with vibrations of peace, beauty, simplicity, and harmony, and I felt infinite joy, love, and happiness.

Together, we offered peace prayers from various religious faiths and spiritual traditions. We introduced the Soul of WoMen campaign and held our own celebration of the divine feminine. Then, all participants took part in our flag ceremony, carrying the national flags and praying for peace in each country and region on earth. The Earth flag completed our flag ceremony, and then we joined hands in a circle, singing and dancing together.

One participant remarked: “It was truly a moving gathering. Each one present brought his/her spirit to the meeting, enabling a unity that is difficult to achieve in ordinary activities. The commitment of each individual was a determining factor in the sharing of an energy that was in tune with the aim of the gathering. These gatherings elevate the vibration of the human being, and of the planet. A beautiful experience!”

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